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A new product to recommend for you.It is No.1 in China and can better to Enhance efficiency,Save labour force and Reduce cost.Container Pillow fall within our update and improve new product,which base on original container damager bag.Container Pillow owns the old one's all merit,Which can effectively protected cargo againgst damage in a long time transport.It owns waterproof,good penetration-resistant and able to bear low temperature characteristics.GuangZhou PackBest Packaging System Company Ltd. is a specialist in produce clear inflatable packaging.Our packing provide clean,professional-looking shipment protection to delicate objects,while reducing shipping weight when filling carton void space. Air Cushion is used in handbag,packbag,briefcase,luggage,and void carton to fill in and so on.Air cushion is very convenient through some easy inflate tools such as balloon pumps, gas guns and air compressors.Air Cushion can automatic lockup air,reduce cost ,save valuable warehouse space ... [Details]